Friday 19 November 2010

rihanna magazine front cover

1 comment:

  1. Joy,
    this is a good start. It is a PASS at the moment. To move it up a grade you need to show that you can follow the conventions of a magazine cover. All your text should be aligned to the left or right of the page.
    Make sure that you work out what is most important on the page, so that you can make the text the most eye catching through use of colour and large fonts (Rihanna & chris should much more prominent)

    you have shown some good skill in Photoshop by changing the colour and contrast of the image , and applying a mask to it.

    Keep up the good work.

    can you also update the rest of your blog. you should have all your work added to it by now. Two entries isn't enough!

    Mr Monahan
